Falkland Island representatives address the UN Decolonisation Committee

On the 18th June, Members of the Falkland Islands Assembly Tesyln Barkman and Gavin Short addressed the United Nations C-24 Special Committee on Decolonisation to make the case for the right to self-determination for Falkland Islanders.


Daniel Toft

6/23/20242 min read

On the 18th June 2024, Members of the Falkland Islands Assembly Tesyln Barkman and Gavin Short addressed the United Nations C-24 Special Committee on Decolonisation to make the case for the right to self-determination for Falkland Islanders.

This follows the adoption of a resolution by the UN’s C-24 committee in June 2023 calling on the governments of the United Kingdom and Argentina to engage in bilateral negotiations in order to “swiftly find a peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute relation to the question of the Falkland Islands” and noted that it wished “to put an end to the special and particular colonial situation in the Islands”.

Teslyn Barkman MLA addresses the committee.
Teslyn Barkman MLA addresses the committee.

However, the representatives from the Falklands have strongly opposed this resolution, re-emphasising their right to self-determination and rejecting implications that the status of the islands is a colonial issue. Rather, Teslyn Barkman MLA highlighted that the committee’s request that the UK and Argentina engage in bilateral negotiations on the future of the Falkland Island is, itself, colonial. She remarked:

"Setting a table for our former colonial power and a power with colonial ambitions over us was suggested in 1965. In the modern setting, this request is neo-colonialism."

Following this, Ms Barkman went on to highlight that the dilution of Falkland Islanders’ right to self-determination is not in the interests of decolonisation, and that it is “dangerous to blindfold yourself to people’s existence”. The 2013 referendum, in which 99.8% of voters on a turnout of 92% voted to remain a British Overseas Territory, was highlighted, as well as some of the key achievements of the Falkland Islands, noting that the islands lead in many policy areas, including its position in the UK’s environmental goals and agenda.

Representative Gavin Short MLA also addressed the committee, beginning by underlining the strength of the Falklands’s economy which boasts a A+ credit rating and its ability to then offer the people universal education and healthcare. Gavin, who gave testimony before the C-24 committee throughout the discussions prior to the agreement of the June 2023 UN resolution, noted that he was disappointed to have to appear before the committee again given he, on behalf of the Islanders’, has returned to argue, yet again, for the human right of self-determination.

Teslyn Barkman MLA addressing the committee.

Gavin Short MLA addressing the committee.

The C-24 committee has repeatedly declined to visit the Falkland Islands on a fact-finding mission despite invitations from the Falkland Islands Government. Gavin reiterated this invitation, and invited individual member states to visit independently if the committee does not wish to visit as a whole.

The UK Government has consistently reiterated its support for the Islanders’ right to self-determination. UK Foreign Secretary, Lord Cameron, visited the islands in February - the first visit by a Foreign Secretary in 30 years, and remarked:

“As long as you want to be part of the British family, we will defend your sovereign right to make that choice”.

FOTBOT warmly welcomed Lord Cameron’s visit to the islands in February, and continues to support the Islanders’ right to self determination.

You can watch Teslyn Barkman’s remarks here and Gavin Short’s here.