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Chagos Resource Hub

On Thursday 3rd October, the UK Government announced that they had agreed to hand over the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) to the Republic of Mauritius; maintaining the UK-US military base on Diego Garcia for 99 years.

Our full statement following the announcement, which calls on the UK Government to reconsider the agreement, can be found here.

We are urging people to email their Member of Parliament and ask them to oppose the decision within the UK Parliament when it is brought to a debate and vote. We have prepared an email template below that can be used or adapted.

You can find out who your MP is here.

MP Email Template

Dear [MP],

I am writing as your constituent to ask that you strongly oppose the Government’s decision to transfer sovereignty of the Chagos Islands, including Diego Garcia, to Mauritius. This decision betrays the displaced Chagossians and undermines the UK's national security and the strategic interests of the West.

Mauritius has never owned or controlled the islands, and the exclusion of Chagossians from these negotiations makes it clear that Mauritius is not acting in their best interests.

The current Mauritian sovereignty claim is nothing more than a re-writing of history and is strongly opposed by countless Chagossians and their descendants.

The UK Government has acted without any democratic oversight from the UK Parliament, handing over the sovereignty of 58 strategically important islands and 640,000km^2 of ocean, representing the largest marine protection zone in the world, without scrutiny. The UK Government must be held to account over this major constitutional change and I urge you to play your part in this.

Additionally, as highlighted in the Sovereignty and Security in the Indian Ocean report, Diego Garcia is crucial for UK defence, monitoring global trade routes and securing key choke points. With Mauritius closely aligned with China, ceding the islands risks allowing Chinese military access, threatening UK and allied interests. The decision sets a dangerous precedent for other British Overseas Territories including the Falklands, Gibraltar and the Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus, all of which have come under claims by irredentist states.

I urge you to challenge this decision in Parliament. The UK must retain sovereignty over the islands, defend Diego Garcia, and consult the Chagossians.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

[Your Address]


We ask that you sign our petition calling on the UK Government to reconsider the agreement. The petition is as follows:

We, the undersigned, urge the UK Government to reconsider its recent decision regarding the future of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). These islands have been British for over 200 years and remain of critical strategic importance to both regional and Western defence.

The proposed agreement, which would result in the UK paying potentially billions to rent its own territory, is an unacceptable waste of public funds and a dangerous compromise to national security interests. Instead of proceeding with this misguided arrangement, these funds could be better directed towards addressing historical injustices and improving the welfare of the Chagossian people—something Mauritius has neglected for decades.

It is important to highlight that Mauritius is not the reliable partner it claims to be. Many Chagossians have recently fled Mauritius, seeking refuge in the UK due to their distrust of the Mauritian government.

Furthermore, this decision lacks the support of key stakeholders. Neither the Chagossian community nor the wider UK public endorses this course of action. British Chagossians and the UK Parliament have been denied a voice and the opportunity to scrutinise this major constitutional change. Handing over British territory without such scrutiny is undemocratic and unjust.

We call on the UK Government to prioritise national security, fiscal responsibility, and the welfare of the Chagossian people over Mauritius’ unfounded territorial claim. The proposed handover of the BIOT is against British interests and must be halted immediately.

We demand that the government stand firm in the protection of British territory and British interests.

Join Friends of the British Overseas Territories for an important campaign reception to hear from our supporters across the UK Parliament who are fighting to support the Chagos Islanders from the horrific sell-out as a result of the UK Government's agreement with Mauritius to hand over the sovereignty of the British Indian Ocean Territory.

This reception is free to attend. However, we are requesting £25.00 donation, or whatever you feel able to give, towards our fighting fund per attendee if you feel able to give. Alternatively, we would welcome new members of FOTBOT and you will receive a membership pack in return.

FOTBOT Chagos Campaign Reception

'Call to Action' Fundraiser

Given the current emergency situation with the Chagos Islands, we have so far been incredibly ambitious to campaign against the UK Government and lobby the UK parliament. So far we have received incredible support and we thank you all for your passion and concern.

Our next step is even more ambitious, and we need your help.

Chagossian communities are spread across the globe and have differing operational models. They all have one thing in common, they want self-determination.

That is why we want to host the biggest Call to Action yet and gather all the groups of the UK Chagossians and as many as we can fit into a venue which is appropriate.

Unlike other events we host, we want this to be completely free of charge to Chagossians and supporters as we hope to host around 500-800 people.

The venue we are currently looking at costs £2000 to hire for the evening and we would like your help to contribute to this cost.

Given our media coverage so far, we are expecting this to be a lively high-profile event, with journalists and broadcasters present. We will also have political VIPs speaking at this event.

Self-determination must prevail and sovereignty must be protected.

Please contribute as you see fit, we will close donations once we have hit the objective.

We have created shareable social media graphics, which can be downloaded below.

Shareable Social Media Graphics

Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory

British Indian Ocean Territory


British Indian Ocean Territory
