UK Overseas Territories future relationship with OCTA
This week Friends of the British Overseas Territories were made aware that UK Overseas Territories representatives were visiting OCTA for a meeting next week.
This week Friends of the British Overseas Territories were made aware that UK Overseas Territories representatives were visiting OCTA for a meeting next week. Turks & Caicos Islands' Premier described the meeting as their last meeting as OCTA members before the UK withdraws from the EU and their membership therefore ends.
OCTA (Association of the Overseas Countries and Territories of the European Union) is the organisation which many developing Overseas Territories are receiving EU funding through and has been the centre point of strain between the Overseas Territories and UK as they fear this funding would be cut off.
We asked the UK's Foreign & Commonwealth Office to clarify exactly what will happen to the UK Overseas Territories' membership to OCTA post-Brexit.
"The British Overseas Territories have, over the years, engaged fully in OCTA - working closely with other EU Member States’ territories in areas of mutual benefit and interest. There is a keenness among the British territories to find ways of continuing such cooperation after Brexit. OCTA is an NGO, rather than an EU institution. This allows some flexibility which will be explored at the OCTA conference and beyond. "
– Ian Ascough, Deputy Director EU Exit, Overseas Territories Directorate
It is also important to note that the UK Government has announced how funds from OCTA will be replaced in a no-deal Brexit scenario: